
Based in Jakarta and Malang, Indonesia. Vania Maringka Architects founded by @vaniamaringka.architects on 2018. To her, life is like a flowing river. Because she believes, everything is already settled and all she have to do is living in it. Thus driven her as a women architect to have values that deeply rooted in quality and simplicity. Hence, she molds it into her designs along with her personal experiences that intended to create positive and life-changing experiences.


Vania Bryna Roselle Maringka, ST

Architecture and Interior Design Studio

Born in Bandung, Indonesia

Live in Malang, Indonesia

Phone +62 81233 028199

2008 – 2012

Bachelor of Architecture

Universitas Merdeka MalangĀ 

2012 – 2018

Principal – PT Wahana Multi Desain

2018 – 2022

Founder – VANIAMARINGKA architects